Filthy Farmgirl Soap and Balm

While on vacation, I tried to look for unique beauty products, and found the bold, brash, but hilariously funny line Filthy Farmgirl all over the island. They make soaps for men and women (and your furry friends!) and balms, all of which are handmade in Hawaii. What is not to love? If you are easily offended, read no further, but if you want a good laugh…keep on my friends! 

 The soap I picked up (my mother and gma bought about 10 total between them as gifts for friends) is called Filthy Hooker Soap because it smells divine and I could not stop giggling at the name (go to their website and have a good laugh if you want at all the awesome names). The small bars are $4, like this one, and large are $8, which is a great deal for all the goodness that are inside of them. This smells like fall to me, with cinnamon and hot cider! Yum! Ingredients: Saponified Coconut oil, Saponified Palm oil, Saponified Castor oil, Saponified Safflower oil, Kosher Vegetable Glycerin, Purified Water, Cinnamon Essential Oil, Hawaiian Honey, Ground Oats, Vanilla powder, Sorbital, Sorbitan oleate, Soy protein. Not tested on animals, no yucky stuff! That is straight from their website and the soaps are 100% natural! Plus they work great and smell amazing. 

 The Hawaiian Vanilla Smoochie Lip Balm ($4) was my other purchase, and I love it! The vanilla scent and flavor is soft and not artificial, comes in adorable packaging, and is totally natural. 

I love that the balm is a oval shape because it mimics the shape of my lips and glides on easy. This is seriously an amazing balm and I am so impressed with this line of products. And shipping is FREE so if this is right up your alley, check them out at!

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