Wet n’ Wild: Sparkle ‘Til Morning

The holidays are coming up, and it is never too early to start thinking about stocking stuffers or fun little gifts for your friends. Wet n’ Wild’s new Coloricon collections are all the talk right now–and you should believe the hype for Sparkle ‘Til Morning!

It has 6 nicely sized shadows housed in a flip-up case for $5.99, which is a steal!
Sometimes, the Wet n’ Wild combinations are a bit weird, but this one seems to work! I do like how they are labeled for a complete eye look if you are in a hurry.
Here are the first four shades. The are buttery, have zero fall-out, and are high-shine.
From top to bottom: The browbone color is a shimmery cream highlight; the eyelid color is a true gold sheen; the crease is an antique copper; and the definer is a teal that leans very blue on my skin.
Check out the other half after the jump!

The other half of the shadows are a little more neutral–giving you two very different looks in one nice little package!
These work together very nicely, and create a pulled together, office appropriate look in minutes!
The browbone color is a neutral, shimmery sand; the eyelid is a slightly warmer gold than the other eyelid shade; the crease is a warm toned sable; and the definer is a dark brown with pink and gold shimmer.
Final Thoughts: One of the best purchases I have made in a long time! This will be my staple for a while–I can feel it. The application is amazing (even better than shadows in UD’s Vice, which is sad).
Price: 9/10
Staying Power:9/10
Packaging: 9/10
Color/Wearability: 10/10
Quality/Branding: 10/10
Total: 47/50 = A = Pandamonium!!
What do you think of this new holiday release? I am in love with it!
xoxo PrettyPanda